Monday, September 15, 2008

Online Volunteer Needed

One or more online volunteers sought to help post materials on this blog. The volunteer would scan the UNESCO websites to identify materials from UNESCO's educational and/or cultural programs worth spotlighting, such as news, new events or publications, or interesting programs. The blog is widely read internationally, but is especially focused on materials of interest to people in the United States.

Several neophyte bloggers have learned to post on the site in less than one hour. An effort of an hour or two per week on the average should do the job, and would be greatly appreciated.

If you are interested, please send an email to me with your biography or a brief description of your background and interests.


Anonymous said...

We use Google reader.



John Daly said...

The request resulted in five volunteers, so for a while no more are needed. Thanks to all.

I have accepted the advice and used Google Reader to add a widget to the blog with new postings.