Literacy is a cause for celebration since there are now close to four billion literate people in the world. However, literacy for all – children, youth and adults - is still an unaccomplished goal and an ever moving target. A combination of ambitious goals, insufficient and parallel efforts, inadequate resources and strategies, and continued underestimation of the magnitude and complexity of the task accounts for this unmet goal. Lessons learnt over recent decades show that meeting the goal of universal literacy calls not only for more effective efforts but also for renewed political will and for doing things differently at all levels - locally, nationally and internationally.

First Lady Laura Bush is UNESCO's Honorary Ambassador for the Decade of Literacy. Her designation came in recognition of her dedication to learning and the promotion of reading, her commitment to universal education and literacy, her work on behalf of libraries and the sharing of knowledge, and her outstanding efforts in support of teachers and the teaching profession.
UNESCO Literacy websites
- Literacy
- UN Literacy Decade (2003-2012)
- UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)
- Literacy for All
- Education for All
- Literacy Exchange - World Resources on Literacy
- EDUCAIDS - The Global Initiative on Education and HIV/AIDS
Read the UNESCO Director General's message
on International Literacy Day! (PDF file)
on International Literacy Day! (PDF file)
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